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STOMP Out Bullying - Change The Culture

Bullying, Cyberbullying, Racism, Hatred, LGBTQ+ Discrimination and Homophobia is a direct cause of mental health issues and an epidemic.

Standing Up Against Hate, Racism And Discrimination.
Changing The Culture With Diversity, Equity, Equality, Inclusion, Civility And Unity Becomes Our Destiny. Our Programs Build Character.

STOMP Out Bullying® is the leading national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ+ discrimination, racism and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. STOMP Out Bullying promotes civility, diversity, inclusion, equity and equality. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying, as well as educating kids and teens in school and online. It provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, and raises awareness through peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, and social media campaigns. 

A pioneer on the issue, STOMP Out Bullying® is recognized as
the most influential anti-bullying and cyberbullying organization in America and beyond.

Unapologetically Kind

About STOMP Out Bullying

Our Story

In 2005, STOMP Out Bullying was born with the passion and commitment to help all youths in need. Our founder and CEO, Ross Ellis, never wants to see another child in pain, and she never again wants to hear the words, “I want to die.”

15 year-old David, was severely depressed due to being bullied. He had been called every possible name one could imagine. He didn’t want to go to school, he quit extra-curricular sports. On the days that he did go to school he stayed in his room when he got home and shut his family and friends out. David was surfing the Web and found STOMP Out Bullying. He started reading our “Are You Being Bullied?” page and read about the comebacks. He learned to successfully use the comebacks which helped to make the bully stop victimizing him. Today, David is empowered and enjoys going to school. This is just one of millions of ways we have made an impact on the lives of America’s students.

Our Impact

• Helping over 5.5 million students resolve Bullying and Cyberbullying situations

• Assisting over 150,000 students and saving over 2,000 lives through the STOMP Out Bullying HelpChat Crisis Line

• Through our various support networks we have saved a total of 6,000 lives. These numbers increase daily.

• Working with over 90,000 school partners to raise awareness and educate students

• Over 20 Youth Leaders working to change the culture in schools across the country

Our Manifesto

We have always been an organization for kindness. The types of problems we tackle may have changed over the past decade,
But our passion has never wavered.
Ours is a higher purpose.
We work so that youth may stand tall and be respected. With our help, youth are kinder.
Schools are more inclusive.
Communities have more equality.
Society has more unity.
So that, a culture of cruelty can
become a culture of civility.
So we devote ourselves to breaking down barriers, we give voice to the voiceless.
We give belonging to those feeling left out.
We welcome diversity and inclusivity.
We work shoulder to shoulder in unity.
We empower the fearful to be fearless in this pursuit. And together we will find the answers, to change the culture, for good.

Have Made a Commitment to be an UPSTANDER and to STOMP Out Bullying®

It’s not just a donation...

When you donate online to STOMP Out Bullying®, you join our cause and directly support kids and teens. No matter how little or big the amount, donating makes a difference in the lives of our youth.