On October 31st the sponsor of the 6th Annual Anti-Bullying Awareness Day, #CaniaInfante, VP Brand Strategy, #BethpageFederalCreditUnion presented the 50/50 raffle proceeds benefiting #STOMPOutBullying to two of its representitives, Monique Cameron and Stephanie Roche. To learn more about our anti-bullying awareness and prevention efforts throughout the year visit www.stompoutbullying.org
The Jets Tackle Bullying program presented by Bethpage Federal Credit Union is a collaboration with STOMP Out Bullying to tackle all forms of bullying by raising awareness, providing tools for educators, and preventing bullying for kids and teens. To date the Jets have hosted 5 educator symposiums with over 1,000 educators participating, conducted 25 school visits reaching over 10,000 students directly since 2015 and donated over 1,750 STOMP Out Bullying educator toolkits to schools with the potential to impact nearly 800,000 students. Additionally, the Jets have provided more than 27,000 tickets to schools for incentives for students who are upstanders. https://www.newyorkjets.com/community/tackle-bullying/
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