Online Student Participation Toolkit
Show Your Support— Participate And Act Against Bullying And Cyberbullying!
It’s time to make a difference. End the Hate... Change the Culture!

- Encourage your school to participate
- Raise awareness of bullying and cyberbullying prevention in your community
- Raise awareness of tolerance and acceptance
- Make October the month that bullying prevention is heard around the world by participating in World Bullying Prevention Month™

Educate Students About The Issue
Raise awareness and increase understanding and create safe plans of how to respond to bullying and cyberbullying.
- Raise Awareness. Start a dialogue with students about their role in addressing bullying and cyberbullying
- Discuss the various forms of bullying, why students bully and have students interact in the conversation
- Discuss ways students can be proactive in stopping bullying and cyberbullying
- Discuss the meaning of morals, ethics, and responsibility
- Discuss differences: cultures, weight, sexual preferences, different ways kids and teens act and dress, disabilities and other differences. Talk about the fact that it's okay to be different and it's not okay to make fun of or harass someone if they are different!
- Talk about how you can prevent bullying and cyberbullying in your school
- Teach tolerance, kindness and acceptance
- Stop the drama from both the victim and the bully
- Educate students about being UPSTANDERS and helping others
- By role playing real life situations with your students you can create a real-life lesson that students can use when situations arise.
Roleplay bullying situations portraying how the victim feels and how the bully acts. Discuss in class.
In computer classes and labs make mock facebook pages with the supervision of a teacher and rolepost (roleplay) hurtful situations and discuss in class

Spread the word!
It’s easy to advocate. Spread the word by:
- Sending out important messages and talking points about the issue and events.
- Stress the importance of World Bullying Prevention Month™ throughout the month of October
- Share information through your various social media channels
- Visit the STOMP Out Bullying website


Inspire others!
- Encourage your school to participate in Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention
- Start a peer mentoring group at school
- Raise awareness of bullying and cyberbullying prevention in your community
- Teach friends about being tolerant
- Create events in your school and community
- Create bullying and cyberbullyng prevention posters
- Create bullying and cyberbullyng prevention videos
- BE AN UPSTANDER ...stand up for victims or those who may not be able to stand up for themselves
Follow STOMP Out Bullying